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Cover of Fact Sheet Disclosure Behaviour after Experiencing Sexualised Violence
Fact Sheet

Disclosure Behaviour after Experiencing Sexualised Violence

Youth Sexuality 9th Iteration

This fact sheet provides central insights for Germany into the disclosure behaviour for the respondents – largely…
Cover of Fact Sheet In Focus: The Desire to Have Children
Fact Sheet

In Focus: The Desire to Have Children

Youth Sexuality 9th Iteration

This fact sheet will present an overview of the respondents’ desire to have children based on the data from the most…
Cover of Fact Sheet Relationships
Fact Sheet


Youth Sexuality 9th Iteration

This fact sheet is an overview of how adolescents and young adults in Germany live their relationships and of how…
Cover of Fact Sheet Sexuality Education, the First Period and the First Ejaculation
This fact sheet provides an overview of the state of sexuality education and of the onset of sexual maturity markers…
Cover of Fact Sheet Sexual Experiences in Adolescence
Fact Sheet

Sexual Experiences in Adolescence

Youth Sexuality 9th Iteration

This fact sheet presents the core results about sexual experiences from the perspective of the sexually active…
Cover of Fact Sheet The Sexual Orientation of Young People in Germany
Fact Sheet

The Sexual Orientation of Young People in Germany

Youth Sexuality 9th Iteration

The central topic of this fact sheet is the sexual behaviour, sexuality education and discrimination experience in…
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